Šiuo metu darbui Kaune ieškome dviejų .NET C# programuotojų darbui prie Login VSI programinės įrangos kūrimo ir tobulinimo. Plačiau : Uniplicity.lt
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Jaunesnysis .NET C# programuotojas (-a) Reikalavimai:
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VSI the Virtual Session Indexer software tool to benchmarking and performance testing tool that provides customers with valuable information on how soft– and hardware changes impact performance in a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure environment. Login VSI is developed by Login Consultants, based on a vast experience in setting up virtualized desktop infrastructures. Login VSI is designed to measure the scalability of the virtualization platforms and technologies by simulating typical user workloads Because of its out-of-the-box character, Login VSI saves you the time of scripting realistic workloads and setting up the test infrastructure. Unlike most other benchmarking and performance testing solutions, Login VSI is a “turn-key” performance solution. It is installed within days instead of weeks or months for most similar tools.